
Beiträge über ...

Wir bloggen über viele verschiedene Themen. Manchmal sind das Neuigkeiten über Dinge, die bei Kopano passieren, an was unsere Teams arbeiten oder einfach etwas, das uns interessiert. Unsere Blogartikel reflektieren auch Tech- und Nicht-Tech-Nachrichten, die sich auf uns beziehen oder uns betreffen. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden!

New Years resolution 2019: optimize productivity

In their new years’ resolutions, many people assert to improve their discipline and priorities for 2019. What can help a lot in achieving these personal or professional […]

November 27, 2018
kopano webapp theming

New! JSON themes in Kopano WebApp

WebApp theming has been around for a while now and has been a recurring workshop topic on the last few Kopano Conferences. It’s a great tool […]

July 16, 2018

DeskApp 1.3 update 1 available

DeskApp is designed to be the bridge between WebApp and the desktop. DeskApp adds features that a web application in a browser can’t, such as being […]

October 10, 2017

S/MIME Plugin 2.2.0 beta 2

The S/MIME add-on for WebApp is an easy to use plugin that helps you secure your email with minimal effort. This new beta release introduces new […]

October 6, 2017