Release Notes

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Kopano WebApp Icon

Kopano WebApp 5.0.0

April 7, 2021

WebApp 5.0.0 comes with a whopping >90 improvements and bug fixes. Our main focus was to improve the mail header, adding initials, contact photos and a redesign of the contact card. With a critically look we've improved the stability changes of the OIDC implementation and we've added builds for Ubuntu 20.04 and RHEL8.  Curious about more changes? Click the changelog button for a complete overview.


Kopano Groupware Core 8.7.20

March 24, 2021

This is a maintenance release of Kopano Groupware Core fixing an issue with iCal http headers


Z-Push Icon

Z-Push 2.6.2

February 4, 2021

This maintenance release includes some bug fixes. The issue that Outlook calendar is stuck in sync has been resolved. Merijn contributed a PHP 7.4 related fix. Michael provided a couple IMAP and CardDav related contributions.


Groupware Core 8.7.19

February 1, 2021

This is a maintenance release of Groupware Core, improving support for Ubuntu 20.04 and fixing an issue when reporting user amounts to Kopano.


Kopano One – Week 3 updates

January 22, 2021

The first update to the Kopano One repositories includes new versions of Kopano Webapp and Z-Push.
