Release Notes

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Kopano WebApp Icon

Kopano WebApp 4.7.0

January 13, 2021

In this release we made various improvements and bugfixes to our OIDC implementation. We've also updated the DOMPurify library and disabled MathML in combination with DOMPurify, due to many reported security issues in this library. MathML was never supported by WebApp, so we were not affected.


Z-Push Icon

Z-Push 2.6.1

December 16, 2020

This maintainance release includes some bug fixes and improvements. The issue with duplicate attendees in Outlook should be fixed. Deleted properties of a contact are now correctly picked up by the gab2contacts script. Michele contributed state files' write improvements on busy systems.


Groupware Core 8.7.17

December 8, 2020

This is a maintenance release of Groupware Core, adding support for Ubuntu 20.04, improving ldap response timings, and fixing a couple of bugs.


Kopano ONE Icon

Kopano One – Week 49 updates

December 2, 2020

This week we updated the Kopano Groupware Core packages in Kopano One. The new version includes several fixes and improved LDAP-caching. We also made two small changes to the Kopano One dependencies
