Kopano ONE on your smartphone or tablet
You can easily bring your Kopano e-mails, appointments and contacts to your Apple iPhone/iPad or Android smartphone/tablet via ActiveSync. To make this possible, the ActiveSync-compatible Z-Push […]

A lesson in independence
People are somehow strange in their striving for independence. Just don’t tie yourself too tightly to something that could restrict your freedom. The independent and individual […]

Competences and skills bundled – structural changes at Kopano
“We don’t get everything right, but we get a lot of things right.” This fundamental finding regarding our commitment to our core topics of Open Source […]

Kopano integrates Lightmeter for private cloud groupware service certainty
The Kopano collaboration suite has gained sophisticated mailops monitoring thanks to a new integration available from today. Self-hosted Open Source Kopano groupware and video conferencing can […]

Kopano 2021 – “Your data, your terms” applies more than ever before
For several years now, politicians and, in fact, most of Europe have been talking a lot about digital sovereignty and the control over our data that […]

Digital patient file – your data under your control?!
Since 01 January 2021, the time has come – the electronic patient record (ePA) is to offer all insured persons in Germany the voluntary opportunity to […]

“One Kopano-to-Go, please!” …
… or: How do I get my own mail and communication server in just 30 minutes? This question came to me when my daughter got her […]

Digital Sovereignty and Democracy
“The German government is critical of the blocking of US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account,” the Süddeutsche Zeitung recently wrote. What was going on there? Wasn’t […]

Living in a world that lacks digital sovereignty
A statement about blocking an undesirable government figure: I read articles like https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/trump-twitter-merkel-1.5170842 or https://news.yahoo.com/angela-merkel-believes-trump-permanent-213832660.html?guccounter=1 and think to myself, Wow. Of course the Chancellor is right […]

Meet us at the virtual Univention Summit 2021!
Even though everything will be different at the upcoming Univention Summit on 28 January 2021, much will remain the same. As usual, there will be attractive […]