
Stories about ...

We blog about many different topics. Sometimes this is news on things that happen on Kopano, or simply something that we felt was interesting to share about how our teams work. Our blogs also reflect on tech- and non-tech news that relates to us or affects us. Stay tuned!

Z-Push Icon

Z-Push has a new home and a new maintainer

Z-Push has a new home and a new maintainer We are very pleased to announce that Z-Push has found a new home and is now maintained […]

April 25, 2023
Z-Push Icon
Z-Push Icon

Statement regarding the community project Z-Push

Statement regarding the community project Z-Push As more and more people have noticed, it has become quieter around Z-Push – which can be seen in various […]

October 20, 2022
Z-Push Icon

Classification regarding the EOL of PHP 7.4

Classification regarding the EOL of PHP 7.4 In the past few weeks, we have noticed increasingly irritations with Kopano users regarding the End of Life from […]

October 20, 2022
Kopano Groupware Core Icon

Open source, of course…

“Basically, of course, FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) in government is always welcome first.” – Reading this statement in a blog post a few days […]

June 30, 2021
Open Source

Brainwashed by Microsoft

“At least it works,” replied a father recently in response to my criticism of the use of MS365 in online classes. It very much irritated me […]

June 23, 2021
Open Source

The internet is broken

A few days ago, ran the headline “The Internet is broken”, presumably driving the click rate per article to not inconsiderable heights. What happened? A […]

June 16, 2021
Open Source
letter from the future

Digitization in Public Sectors – a letter from the future

The foyer and the open workshop spaces of the town hall are bustling with activity. In the open plenum, a group of artists is working on […]

June 2, 2021
Open Source
Open Source Alternative

Open Source Alternative for Microsoft Graph

It seems that the topic of digital sovereignty is becoming a bigger focus for more and more companies, administrations, educational institutions and institutions. Slowly but steadily, […]

May 26, 2021
Open Source

Microsoft is not a solution for schools

It’s no secret that Kopano is being critical of proprietary software solutions. Digital sovereignty is our top priority and all Kopaneros and Kopaneras work every day […]

May 19, 2021
Open Source