An era comes to an end!

June 4, 2024

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Categories: blog, Featured, News

Today we are bidding farewell to Andreas Rösler as Director of Kopano B.V. and Managing Director of Kopano GmbH. This marks the end of an era, as Andreas has accompanied and shaped our company for 15 years. His passion and commitment have contributed significantly to the development of Kopano and previously Zarafa. He was not only a managing director, but also the face of our company to the outside world. He has built and maintained relationships with customers, partners and the public. His charismatic nature and expertise have always impressed us.

Our employees valued Andreas not only as a superior, but also as a colleague. His open communication, understanding and team spirit made him popular. He motivated and inspired everyone to give their best.

Dear Andreas, we will miss you! Your successes, your ideas and your personality have shown Kopano the way forward. We wish you all the best for your new tasks and may your next chapter be just as successful as the last 15 years with us!

At the same time, we can announce that Frank van Delft has taken over Andreas Rösler’s duties as CEO of Kopano B.V.. In close coordination with the Premier Distributor bytemine GmbH, he will set the course for the success of the new Kopano Cloud product.

We are excited about the uptake of Kopano Cloud in the ecosystem and are ready to go this way together.