
Stories about ...

We blog about many different topics. Sometimes this is news on things that happen on Kopano, or simply something that we felt was interesting to share about how our teams work. Our blogs also reflect on tech- and non-tech news that relates to us or affects us. Stay tuned!

Z-Push – new URLs for repositories and wiki

The systems on which the Z-Hub project used to run are no longer online. Since the domain does not belong to us, we had no direct […]

May 20, 2021
Z-Push Icon

Microsoft is not a solution for schools

It’s no secret that Kopano is being critical of proprietary software solutions. Digital sovereignty is our top priority and all Kopaneros and Kopaneras work every day […]

May 19, 2021
Open Source

Digital resilience is not enough

The term resilience comes from psychology and generally refers to the resistance that a person develops in crisis situations. It is about the ability to deal […]

May 12, 2021
Open Source

Kopano ONE on your smartphone or tablet

You can easily bring your Kopano e-mails, appointments and contacts to your Apple iPhone/iPad or Android smartphone/tablet via ActiveSync. To make this possible, the ActiveSync-compatible Z-Push […]

May 5, 2021
Z-Push Icon

A lesson in independence

People are somehow strange in their striving for independence. Just don’t tie yourself too tightly to something that could restrict your freedom. The independent and individual […]

April 28, 2021
Open Source

Kopano Survey Evaluation: Email usage, benefits and cloud

Early in January this year, we launched an online survey on email use. We have now evaluated it and would like to share the results with […]

April 23, 2021
Kopano Groupware Core Icon

Bundescloud with Microsoft?!

I have been following this discussion in the OSB Alliance mailing lists for a few days. Now I’ve also read the article from heise about it […]

April 14, 2021
Open Source
data hygiene

What do you think about data hygiene?

Hygiene is a big and important topic in Corona times and data hygiene in companies should be similar. Many companies still do not care enough or […]

April 14, 2021
Kopano Groupware Core Icon
Future of the Email

The future of the email (2)

In the first part of this blog post, I tried to describe how deeply the medium of email is embedded in our daily digital communication and […]

March 31, 2021
Open Source
problem solving

CVE-2021-28994 – Kopano ical service

We have recently been made aware of an issue in the Kopano ical service, which has been reported under CVE-2021-28994. This service, when (directly) exposed to […]

March 29, 2021