Freenode #live – The first freenode conference!
I was invited as a speaker from Arch Linux to speak at the first ever freenode conference on 28-29 October. Freenode is the largest IRC network […]

First Impressions of the LibreOffice Conference 2017
Kopano's Pom Balledux is at the LibreOffice Conference and shares his impressions of the first day in this blog.

Kopano at CeBIT
We’ve been sharing the booth together with Univention. And it was indeed really a very nice booth (see pictures). I must say, it really is awesome […]

Kopano @ FOSDEM – As vibrant as it gets
This year we went to FOSDEM with Kopano for the first time, with the goal to especially extend our community efforts and to get in touch […]

Kopano – First time at FOSDEM for the Zarafa fork
Kopano, the European open collaboration project is at FOSDEM for the first time. Kopano is the Zarafa fork delivered by the makers of Zarafa!