The future of the email (1)
From time to time, the death of email is propagated. In the context of organisational development, it is currently en vogue to promote team communication with […]

Kopano ONE – first steps of a digital-sovereign vision
It must be the comfort. Or the unawareness. Or maybe both. Just now I read a tweet from a former colleague who offers online workshops due […]

Digital sovereignty for non-techies
When you start learning about digital sovereignty as a non-techie, you start to realise that something as ordinary as sending emails is highly vulnerable in terms […]

Competences and skills bundled – structural changes at Kopano
“We don’t get everything right, but we get a lot of things right.” This fundamental finding regarding our commitment to our core topics of Open Source […]

Tracked by spy pixels in E-Mails
Tracking technologies have become a major part of our daily interaction online. Most of the time we are aware that a company is observing and tracking […]

Pathways out of digital dependency
The “digital sovereignty of public administration” in Germany had already been named in 2019 by the Federal Ministry of the Interior under Horst Seehofer (CSU) as […]

Kopano Kraph – perfectly connected and digitally sovereign
I am an “as-well-as” fan. On the one hand, I want to have digital sovereignty, i.e. be independent of top dogs like Microsoft. On the other […]

Digital patient file – your data under your control?!
Since 01 January 2021, the time has come – the electronic patient record (ePA) is to offer all insured persons in Germany the voluntary opportunity to […]

Digital Sovereignty and Democracy
“The German government is critical of the blocking of US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account,” the Süddeutsche Zeitung recently wrote. What was going on there? Wasn’t […]

The e-mail is dead, long live the e-mail
E-mail has been pronounced dead often enough – a tool from the last century that is no longer cutting edge. However, it is still the case […]