Kopano & SUSE: The Importance Of Well-Performing Enterprise Storage
Users love responsive applications. If you want to enable this kind of great user experience, you’re going to need well-performing storage. But what kind of storage? […]

Skype for Web Ended Support for Firefox, Opera and Safari. So What?
Skype for Web ended support for Firefox, Opera and Safari (in other words, all browsers that are not Edge or Chromium-based). So what are the alternatives? And what are their pros and cons?

How To Migrate From Microsoft Exchange to Kopano
At Kopano we frequently receive questions about the easiest way to migrate from one system to Kopano. Do you want to migrate from Microsoft Exchange to Kopano? Check out this blog post to learn how to do this in a quick and easy way.

Kopano Meet: It’s Nice To Meet You!
When we first introduced Web Meetings in 2015, WebRTC was still a very new technology. Its use of high-quality codecs for audio and video was not […]

The Future of Open Source Collaboration Software
Last Christmas, our family discussions were like all others, with two notable exceptions. When I took pictures, my sister asked my daughter not to publish them […]

Fifty Shades Of Open Source: Our Road To 100% AGPL
In this blog post, Brian Joseph takes you on a journey through Kopano's past, sharing the lessons that he and his team learned when they took Zarafa open source.

Staying up to date with Kopano releases on UCS
The Univention Corporate Server (or short UCS) provides a very easy way for admins to get started with Kopano. Through the Univention App Center admins can […]

DeskApp 2.0: Connect To Get Things Done On The Go
Deskapps are getting more important in workday organization – all the more reason for additional happiness around the release of Kopano DeskApp 2.0, a big milestone […]

New Years resolution 2019: optimize productivity
In their new years’ resolutions, many people assert to improve their discipline and priorities for 2019. What can help a lot in achieving these personal or professional […]

Experiencing a Design Sprint
Within Kopano we’ve experienced our first design sprint. The focus of Kopano has moved to the creation of innovative collaboration tools, on top of groupware. To […]