Kopano to Bring LibreOffice Online to its Enterprise Audience

September 26, 2017

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Category: Press release

Kopano to Bring LibreOffice Online to its Enterprise Audience

Today, Kopano, Europe’s leading vendor of open source collaboration software, announced it will contribute to LibreOffice Online and integrate it into its own product. To help establish LibreOffice Online as standard open source technology for enterprises, Kopano will participate in The Document Foundation Advisory Board.

People in the modern workforce expect to be able to access their files and collabo-rate with colleagues anywhere and whenever they like. Cloud services offer ease of use, however, they do not guarantee control over services and data. With LibreOffice Online, Kopano will be able to provide a user-friendly open source soft-ware stack in self-hosted environments thus helping organizations to escape vendor lock-in and keep control over their own data.

With our collaboration products for messaging, ChatOps, Video Meetings, e-mail and groupware we offer the benefits of cloud software in a self-hosted open source stack. We will contribute to the user experience of LibreOffice Online, integrate it into our own products and bring it to our enterprise customers.

says Brian Joseph, CEO of Kopano.

To achieve this, Kopano joins The Document Foundation as an active member of the projects advisory board.

Kopano is a welcome addition to the LibreOffice community, as they are extending the reach of LibreOffice in self-hosted Enterprise-environments by integrating LibreOffice Online with their collaboration solution. By becoming a member of the project’s Advisory Board, Kopano will provide experiences and insights necessary to improve the presence of LibreOffice Online.

says Simon Phipps, TDF Board Member.

About Kopano

Kopano is a leading European provider of open source groupware and collaboration software serving thousands of customers ranging from European governments to larger organizations. As a continuation of Zarafa, Kopano puts messaging, collaborative editing, video meetings, email and calendaring in one single interface.

About The Document Foundation (TDF)

The Document Foundation is the home of LibreOffice, the next evolution of the world’s leading free office suite, and The Document Liberation Project, a community of developers united to free users from vendor lock-in of content by providing powerful tools for the conversion of proprietary file formats to the corresponding ODF format. TDF was created in the belief that the culture born of an independent foundation brings out the best in corporate and volunteer contributors, and will deliver the best free office suite. TDF is open to any individual who agrees with its core values and contributes to its activities, and warmly welcomes corporate participation, e.g. by sponsoring individuals to work as equals alongside other contributors in the community. For more information: www.documentfoundation.org.


Toos Stoker, Communications Coordinator
Telephone: +31 15 2517713
E-mail: t.stoker@kopano.com
Elektronicaweg 18, 2628 XG Delft, The Netherlands

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